Monday 19 March 2012

I Compare You to Binge Drinking by Alissa Rogers

I Compare You to Binge Drinking
The throbbing headache and nausea
I can endure, I've had worse.
Right now I could cry,
such a raw hope consumed me
as I thought about you, desperate.
It was still dark for me then,
when I needed you. Now it's day.
It brings a true smirk to my face
to know you are nothing more
than a night of binge drinking:
a foolish part of my youth,
a consequence of boredom.
I could not hold your liquor,
I vomited all that bile you said to me
in the hedges outside. Don't fret,
this is not a bad memory, in fact
you might never be a memory at all.
I am well. I will drink better and
far more dangerous poisons.
I am today, you are only last night.

Another poem I stumbled upon


  1. Alissa,

    This poem blew me away. Your use of imagery is powerful, well placed, and demonstrates a deep wisdom. I have taken university level creative writing courses and I can tell you right now you should pursue your writing. I did not see one person in my classes who could write like this and you demonstrate a lot of the qualities in your writing that my Professors were pushing us to do.

    As a fellow writer, poets and artist, I just wanted to pass those words of encouragement on to you :) Pursue your love and passion and make it a reality.

  2. Oh Wow.
    Hi I'm Alissa Rogers.
    I'm graduating high school in june.
    Thank you very much! I intend to in college. I'm very,very flattered. Thats a wonderful compliment thanks. :)
