Monday 12 March 2012

Just for you

Find a secret place, just for you.

It doesn't need to be hidden,
or somewhere quiet.
It's just a place for you to be.
Think of nothing, and think of everything.
Be observant, or close your eyes.
What does it sound like? Can you smell anything?

Dip your feet into the water onto the cool, slimey pebbles and watch the sunlight dance on the surface as you gently create the ripples.
Go deeper, watch as the water caresses your ankles,
your knees gradually disappear, your thighs soon follow,
Slowly, your torso and arms, your neck.
You lift your feet from the bottom, and spread your arms, cradled by the river
You become the reflection, staring at the sky.


  1. This is beautiful. Hope u don't mind! I'm Alan from the mackie btw, I talk with yourself and Naomi and occasionally try to help with the quiz :)
